
Simulate real-world payment scenarios and test how MYMOID payment flow works.

Test environment data is used to test the payment integration in a controlled environment, where real transactions do not occur. To perform this simulation, you must work in a Sandbox environment and you must use your Sandbox API Keys (provided by our support team).

Test Card Numbers

For a Payment Form in the Sandbox environment, you must complete it with the following test information.

DescriptionCard NumberCardHolderExpiration dateCVV
Successful payments4548812049400004 any*any*123
Generic decline2222400010000008 any*any*123

Invalid Data

To test errors resulting from invalid data, provide invalid details. You don’t need a special test card for this. Any invalid value works. For instance:

  • Expiry date: We are not validating the validity of the date field. In a real-world workflow, the processor handles date validation. On our end, we only ensure that the format is "xx/xx".
  • Invalid CVV: We validate the format as either "xxx" or "xxxx." So any other format will result in an error. e.g. "12345" or "12"
  • Incorrect card number: Use a card number that fails the Luhn check, such as 4242424242424241

Test Bizum Numbers

The maximum amount in each operation must be €15 to avoid being denied.

Telephone numberBizum codeAuthentication code
700 000 000 1234 12345678

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